How To Find Inspiration Without Travelling the World

I’m teaching you how to find inspiration for the things you love, without even leaving the house.

5 Pieces of Advice You Never Listen To, But Really Should

You know when you can see someone ruining their life, and no matter how many times you try to tell them what they’re doing is wrong, or bad, or they’ll regret it, they just won’t listen? Have you ever realized that, a lot of the time, YOU ARE the one who’s buggering everything up?

5 Ways I Changed My Life in 2017

Throughout the month of May in 2017, there were a number of things I did to try and get my head out of the metaphorical mind-gutter. Both internal and external, both things that affected me and also affected those around me, but all in all this change was good.

19 Things I’ve Learned at 19

It’s my birthday!! Shower me with gifts and love! Love me! Kidding. But yeah, I’m 19 today (scary Mary), and I feel old.  Like, I know I’m not old. I’m actually very young. I’ve loads of living left to do. But, like every other entitled and narcissistic millenial, I feel like I have a wealth ofContinue reading “19 Things I’ve Learned at 19”

Running Behind // Vlogmas Day 16

If you haven’t noticed by my previous three/four posts that were, I’ll admit, a major cop-out, I’m struggling with blogmas.

Going Through a Dry Patch // Blogmas Day 14

As it gets to about this time in the month of December, all the internet creators and publishers tend to get a bit… dried out. And not in the way of they can’t make any more content, but more in the sense that they are getting a bit tired. 

My Bullet Journal // 2016

The Bullet Journal has become more and more well-known over the internet in the past few years, after digital product designer Ryder Carroll first implemented the idea, in an attempt to organize his life in a way that normal planners and diaries just couldn’t cut. Since then, the idea of the Bullet Journal (or ‘BuJo’ (yeah,Continue reading “My Bullet Journal // 2016”

Finding the Uni For You

To continue my little life series, I thought I’d make a post about how to start off the ‘University Journey’. Sounds nice and easy, doesn’t it? Well, we’ll see.

Do I Want To Go To Uni?

Ah, September. Here we are again. Back to school, back to winter coats and covering up, back to life. It’s time to dust off your text books and get back to all those horrible responsibilities. 

Summer Favourites! 2016

It’s finally here. To quote Panic! at the Disco, summer’s on its deathbed. It’s over. The warm weather may remain, the we might see the sun for a few more weeks but… in the eyes of every one around: summer is over. About bloody time. For some reason this summer has dragged for me? Anyone elseContinue reading “Summer Favourites! 2016”