I’ve been reading a lot this year so far. Actually, I read a lot last year, too. Huh. 

Things I Learnt Working At Primark

For a brief period of 2016, I had a part-time job at my local Primark. Yes, Primark. The holy grail store that is internationally known for being so bloody cheap and oh my God. That one.

My Christmas Traditions! // Blogmas Day 12

Now we’re really getting into the festivities. As the month wears on, and the Big Day looms nearer, even the most Grinchiest of us can get a little caught up in the Christmas Spirit. And, as I’ve been feeling unusually more festive than average this year, I thought I’d get all nostalgic, and share withContinue reading “My Christmas Traditions! // Blogmas Day 12”

Finding the Uni For You

To continue my little life series, I thought I’d make a post about how to start off the ‘University Journey’. Sounds nice and easy, doesn’t it? Well, we’ll see.

Vegans? Vegans!

Let’s be frank here, this is the internet. Nothing goes unsaid and no one is not made fun of. That includes the groups of people who decide that, to make the world a better place, they will give up eating or using products that come from animals. 

Time Heals

They say “time heals all wounds” and, as much as it sucks to say, it really does. This applies to both the physical and the psychological. I mean, if you lose a leg you’re probably not getting that one back. But after some time, it won’t be bleeding any more. That’s kind of what I’mContinue reading “Time Heals”

Put it Off

A few weeks ago, just before I was supposed to go and visit my first choice university for an open day, I decided to defer my place.


This is not going to be a review for two reasons. One, I am utterly appalling at writing reviews. Ask anyone. Except you can’t, because no one’s ever read a review by me. Because they are crap. And two, I am obsessed with Caitlin Moran. I have nothing bad to say. And as we all know,Continue reading ““Morani-Fever””

X, Y and Z

While I am burdened with the popular affliction of “too many eggs in too many baskets” (in other words, being vaguely interested in too many things at once), one major interest I have is in the study of generations, and how they change and interact. Bit of weird one but, as most people, I’m aContinue reading “X, Y and Z”