A Day in the Life of a Cat Café Intern

For five weeks in the summer of 2019, I worked as an intern for Pause, a cat cafe in my home town of Bournemouth. Officially, I was their summer Media, PR, and Events Intern, and my role was to manage the café’s social media presence and organize and promote their regular events. But, like anyContinue reading “A Day in the Life of a Cat Café Intern”

A Letter to My Trichotillomania // BFRB Awareness Week 2018

Dear you,

Do I Really Want Out of My Disorder?

A few years ago, I filled out by birth date details into a “numerology calculator” that would, supposedly, tell me all about my personality and the state of my life from these, actually pointless, numbers.

20 Before 20: Revisited // LIFESTYLE

This time last year, I wrote a list of things I wanted to accomplish or do by the time I was twenty years old. This year, as I write this, I’m still nineteen. There’s still time, I suppose. But by the end of the week I have entered my 20’s. I will be in the thirdContinue reading “20 Before 20: Revisited // LIFESTYLE”

50 Things I Did in 2017

So we may or may not be more than two weeks into 2018 already and I may or may not have been so damn busy with everything life (AKA procrastinating my uni work and watching Jane the Virgin) to write or even think about writing a blog post. But I was absolutely determined (ish) to getContinue reading “50 Things I Did in 2017”

Autumn Favourites 2017!

Wow… it’s been a little while since I’ve done a ‘favourites’ post. I tend not to make monthly favourites, purely because I’m poor, and man can’t afford enough new stuff to write about every month! Also because at this current moment, I’m making two blog posts and two YouTube videos (check out my YouTube channelContinue reading “Autumn Favourites 2017!”

Five Reasons To Live At Home While Studying

If you didn’t already know by my countless tweets, blog posts, Instagram posts and even mentions in YouTube videos (oh yeah, I have a YouTube channel now), I started uni. I know, right? Bet you never would have guessed. In all seriousness, I started my undergrad degree in Communication and Media just over a monthContinue reading “Five Reasons To Live At Home While Studying”

Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting University

Welcome! (Or if you’re a returning visitor, welcome back). Welcome to my little corner of the Internet where I pretend I regularly write blog posts and upload them. Wow, what a crazy thought, eh?

My Doctor Had to Google My Disorder (or ‘Why Having Trichotillomania Sucks’)

As I sit in the general practitioner’s room, I scratch at the frayed material of the seat beneath me and hear my heartbeat in my ears as I wait to finally, finally be fixed.

5 Alternative Ways to Meditate for the Unmotivated

Meditation is supposed to be this be-all and end-all for living your best life. At least that’s what I’ve heard, anyway.