A Day in the Life of a Marketing Apprentice

So it’s been six months since the start of my apprenticeship. For those that have known me for many years, no one could have ever expected me to take such a route in life (I mean it’s only a year long, but it could well shape my life as I know it), and honestly I even surprised myself. 

If you’re wondering what it is I do exactly, I wrote a post at the start of my apprenticeship, answering a few questions that you may want to ask. I detailed what I was doing, who I was doing for, the college aspect, etc.

As a Digital Marketing apprentice, I work full-time for a digital agency completing work, talking to clients, and generally learning lots of things.

So, for the sake of those thinking about working in marketing, starting an apprenticeship, or just being nosey, here’s what my day looks like as a Marketing Apprentice…


7am – Alarm goes off, remain asleep

7:30am – Second alarm goes off, press snooze

8am – Third alarm goes off, actually get up. Get dressed, eat breakfast, put everyday makeup on, etc.

8:30 – Get in the car, and start the traffic-filled, 10-minute-turned-30-at-rush-hour journey to the office

9am – Arrive at office, boot up laptop and start the ‘beginning of the day’ tasks, like recording call numbers from the day before, recording who’s arriving late and getting my head into “work mode” (usually takes v long time.)

9:30 – Start “actual work”. This includes content creation, copywriting, project management, talking to clients over email (and sometimes the phone… God save us all), office admin, quality checks and other bits and bobs.

1pm – Lunch time! I generally use this hour to catch up on my personal social media, run errands, visit Connor or just generally stuff my face with food. Lunch time is always a good time.

2pm – Back to work, which includes the same stuff as before, lots of asking people where things are, when they’ll be done and, being an apprentice, asking lots of questions along the lines of “what’s that?” “how do i do that?” and most of all; “what???”

5pm – The end of the day is approaching, and it’s filled with making sure any deadlines for the day were hit, everything is where it should be, and trying to finish everything on time for the end of the day so I can get outside and see that it’s actually still light outside what the heck.

5:30pm – Time to go home! Driving home with very loud music (at the currently on the playlist is Divide – how good is it though?) to take away any stresses of the day and start the wind-down process.

6pm – Dinner and TV (because we’re one of those families)

7pm – Time for my own personal marketing! Generally I use the evening to work on blog posts, take pictures for posts, schedule tweets (follow me on Twitter!) and any other personal things that need work.

8-9pm – Bath time. I take long baths, ok? I’ll read, catch up on YouTube videos or just chill in the bath.

10pm – Okay so… yes. This is generally when I will get into bed. I like to be comfy, okay? This is my time to scroll through my phone, stick Friends on and get some rest before tomorrow, the whole thing starts again.

If you work in marketing, how does your day differ from mine? And if you don’t, what do you do with your days? Let me know, I’d love to hear from you! Also make sure to follow my social networks for more updates on daily work life and life in general!




Until next time,

Jess x




  1. Rebekah says:

    Interesting! Sounds like your days are pretty busy. Baths are THE BEST. I am homeschooled and I wrote a post about a day in my life (you can read it here if you really want https://americangirlguide.wordpress.com/2017/01/31/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-homeschooler/) XD

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this post, I’ve been looking into doing an apprenticeship and this really helps 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw I’m glad it helped! I think if you’re with the right placement and college provider it can be a fab thing to do x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Chloe Lauren says:

    I’ve just been accepted for a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship and I start Monday. Just wondering what the first month was like for you, responsibility wise and getting used to it?


    1. Congrats and good luck, first of all! The first month was pretty easy for me the only hard thing was getting used to working 40 hrs a week and In an office environment. Other than that they did get me working my way up with the work I did, I wasn’t thrown in the deep end, but that does depend on your employer 100% so it may be diffeeent for you. I will say that if you feel at all like you’re being taken advantage of or that you’re working above your level and pay grade then speak up! I didn’t and it really had an effect on me. I hope it goes amazingly ❤️


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